My Inspiration…
When I painted Blythe Doll for the first time I knew that I would always paint her. From then on , I felt absolutely represented by her. She would become my model.
Her unique appearance with meaningful huge eyes, as sweet as mysterious, full of life, in spite of been made of plastic, couldn´t help becoming my inspiration.
I decided to start playing with all that engendered me by capturing it into my artistic work.
This wonderful Blythe Doll, which was born from Art, since she was created as a tribute to the work of Margaret Keane, has undoubtedly become Art again.
Mi inspiración…
Bastó pintarla una vez para saber que la pintaría siempre, sentí que me representaba absolutamente.
Ella se convertiría en mi modelo.
Su apariencia única, con sus enormes ojos, tan expresiva, tan dulce como misteriosa, con tanta vida a pesar de ser de plástico, no podía no inspirarme.
Decidí empezar a jugar con todo eso que me generaba plasmándolo en mis obras.
Esta maravillosa muñeca Blythe Doll, que nació del arte, ya que se creó como un homenaje a la obra de Margaret Keane, vuelve sin dudas a convertirse en arte.
The classics…
Feeling touched by the work I choose, is essential whenever I recreate a classic…
It is very important to imagine my model feeling just the same as the personage, placed in the role of the character and view her in the artwork…
Los clásicos…
Sentirme conmovida por la obra que elijo es esencial cuando recreo un clásico…
Es muy importante imaginar a mi modelo en el papel del personaje, verla a ella ahí en la obra sintiendo lo mismo..
The transformation of the character…
My greatest challenge is being able to rescue both the soul of the character and the atmosphere of the work. The idea is that when looking at her, we can feel the same. As well as understanding that , although having a different appearance, she remains the same, having a naive touch, yet not less profound.
With the help of the doll I can rescue her structure and proportions, and then transform her into the character I have chosen taking her features and expressions.
Once the sketch is finished, if when looking at it, I can see that the character manages to feel the same as the original personage, then it´s time to paint!
La transformación del personaje…
El mayor desafío está en lograr rescatar el alma del personaje y el ambiente de la obra… que al verlo podamos tener las mismas sensaciones, entender que es la misma, aunque con una apariencia diferente, con un tinte naif, pero no menos profundo.
Con ayuda de la muñeca puedo rescatar su estructura y proporciones, para luego transformarla en el personaje que haya elegido, tomando sus rasgos y expresiones.
Una vez terminado el boceto, si al mirarlo, puedo ver que el personaje logra sentir lo mismo que el original, entonces a pintar!
Adding color…
Color is essential since it contributes giving the work a specific atmosphere, consistent with what it transmits and for me, the greatest enjoyment…
Understanding a piece of Art requires slowing down and taking the time to see the details.
The details say a lot, sometimes you just have to be a deep observer. This kind of thoughtful-close-looking helps us to see that things are not always as they appear to see at first glance.
Small details…
In most of the classic adaptations you will find small details or personal touches, that differ from the original one.
Poniendo color…
El color resulta fundamental, contribuye a que la obra tenga un ambiente determinado, coherente con lo que transmite y para mí el disfrute más grande…
Interpretar una obra de arte requiere bajar el ritmo y tomarse el tiempo para ver los detalles.
Los detalles dicen mucho, sólo hay que observarlos profundamente. Este tipo de mirada reflexiva nos ayuda a ver cosas que no se perciben a primera vista.
Pequeños detalles…
En la mayoría de las adaptaciones clásicas van a encontrar pequeños detalles o agregados, que difieren de la original.